Friday, October 29, 2004


Things are getting very very nasty and i expect them to get much much worse between now and Tuesday.
I'm becoming very frightened now that real violence is going to occur, perpetrated by crazed Republicans who maintain they are trying to ensure their are no voting irregularities, but who are themselves causing much more mischief than Democrats - precisely because they know that's the only way they're going to win.
So sad, really.
And so pathetic, that people are being threatened and intimidated attempting to fulfill their consititutional rights as citizens.
never mind that we now have a supposed terrorist threat, saying there will be death and destruction if Bush wins.
and there's the arafat factor, who's at death's door.
or the missing munitions from iraq, 380 tons of explosives, that we did nothing about.

My God.
WWIII, including a civil war in the u.s.?
could happen.


Problems in Miami
Things Get Ugly at Early Voting Locations

Killing for Bush in Florida
West Boynton man allegedly threatens to kill girlfriend for backing Kerry
These are the kind of people voting for Bush.
It's all about the hatred folks.
Vote your conscience.

Gov. Jeb Bush says poll Watchers can, Should Challenge Voters

This sickens me.
We live in a free country, remember?

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